Pench National Park Roars With 44 Tigers

The total amount of tigers in Maharashtra’s Pench Tiger Reserve has amplified to 44 this year, as compared to 31 in 2017.
The increase of 13 tigers was documented in Chorbahuli, East Pench (Sillari), Saleghat, Deolapar, Paoni, Mansinghdeo sanctuary and Nagalwadi. As per the officials report, out of the 44 tigers recorded, there are around 22 males and 22 females. An authorized report is still being finalized for accuracy. But, yes, the number of tigers has gone up to 44 in the 660 sq km area where the estimation was done. This total count excludes cubs, which are around 7 to 8. The information was passed by chief conservator of forests (CCF) for Pench Tiger Reserve and field director, Rishikesh Ranjan.
According to National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA) guiding principles, the Phase IV yearly estimation exercise with camera traps was piloted jointly by Wildlife Conservation Trust and Pench Tiger Foundation over 20 days last year.
The consequences of camera trap and other usual methods of counting of tigers between 2017 and 2018 exposed that there are 44 tigers in the wild in the land of “Mowgli”.
Pench National Park, known as home to ‘Mowgli’, an imaginary character and leading role in renowned writer Rudyard Kipling’s ‘The Jungle Book’.
The figure of 44 also comprises a couple of tigers that have deceased since the counting exercise in and around Pench. Last year, Pench had lost 4 tigers, of which two passed away in defensive fights. Although a couple of tiger deaths were not much taken into consideration, growing tiger numbers is also justified by death of tigers in territorial fights. It reflects that growing tiger population in Pench is infact looking for more isolated space.
Even as the death toll of tigers in bordering Madhya Pradesh has escalated in last 15 months, steady rise in tiger population in Pench is an accomplishment for wildlife wing and NGOs functioning in and around Pench.
Authorities said five adult tigers have been sharing common terrain on the MP and Maharashtra border of Pench. However, during the exercise these tigers were noted in Madhya Pradesh Pench.
Many wildlife conservationists credited the success of Pench to former field director MS Reddy, who took care of Pench when the number of tigers were as low as 19. Reddy said, “I have not checked the report yet but yes, team work has produced anticipated results.”
The SFRI also made public the figures of herbivores in the reserve, which indicates that the number of dotted deer, blue bull, sambar (big deer), wild boars, monkeys as well as bison, has augmented manifold.
The Pench Tiger Reserve is spread in the total area of 1,180-sqkm of area, which comprises of both core and buffer zones.